воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


Her father was a schoolteacher, and educated his daughter in classical Chinese, among other subjects not standard in Japanese women's education at the time. Views Read Edit View history. Takamure was born into a lower-middle-class family in rural Kumamoto Prefecture in Against Yamakawa's standard Marxist critique of marriage as a bourgeois institution of economic oppression, Takamure articulated an anarchist, community-oriented vision of a post-revolutionary future that would preserve the role of mothers in childcare and place the concerns of women and mothers at the center rather than the periphery of society. Her scholarship and method were heavily influenced by the nativism of Motoori Norinaga , which led her to conclude, against the folkloristic minzokugaku conclusions of Yanagita Kunio , that marriage in the Heian period had been largely uxorilocal. Although Takamure's work was ignored by Ivan Morris in The World of the Shining Prince , it was endorsed by William McCullough in his classic article on Heian marriage in and has become the standard position in the field. itsue

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In response to these developments and to an affair on Takamure's part, Takamure and Hashimoto withdrew to suburban Tokyo in July Takamure's articles and the fact that she undertook the pilgrimage as an unmarried woman alone made her something of a celebrity in Japan at the time, and her notoriety only grew after she left her household and husband in Tokyo in the company of another man in Her status as her household's primary wage-earner led her to publish a great many articles in various journals and magazines during these years, as well as to engage with other prominent Japanese feminists in print.


This page was last edited on 29 Decemberat Fujin Sensen lasted jtsue sixteen issues, until it was shut down in Juneapparently having attracted the attention of the Thought Section of the Criminal Affairs Bureau of the Special Higher Police as part of deepening fascist repression by the government.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. From her "House in the Woods" Mori no ienamed in homage to Henry David Thoreau 's WaldenTakamure embarked on the most influential phase of her career, that of itsye pioneering historian in the field of Japanese itxue history.

She also began to research and publish on women's roles and matrilineage in ancient Japanese societyancient marriage institutions, and the right of women to own and inherit property in earlier times.


Despite her anarcho-feminist beliefs, during itse war years Takamure wrote a number of polemical articles in support of Japanese imperialism in Asia and the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. Against Yamakawa's standard Marxist critique of marriage as a bourgeois institution of economic oppression, Itue articulated an anarchist, community-oriented vision of a post-revolutionary future that would preserve the role of mothers in childcare and place the concerns of women and mothers at the center rather than the periphery of society.

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In this Japanese itsuuethe family name is Takamure. Despite higher academic ambitions, after failing to complete her post-secondary education and working for a time in a cotton-spinning mill, she returned home in and taught in the same school as her father for three years. Views Read Edit View history.

Although Takamure's work was ignored by Ivan Morris in The World of the Shining Princeit was endorsed by William McCullough in his classic article on Heian marriage in and has become the standard position in the field.

Takamure was born into a lower-middle-class family in rural Kumamoto Prefecture in Takamure's deepening commitment to anarchism led her to join the anarchist-feminist group Proletarian Women Artists' League Musan Fujin Geijitsu Renmei and, into found the anarchist feminist journal Fujin Sensen The Woman's Front. Takamure's death in largely predated the uptake of her scholarship into the academy as well as the rediscovery and criticism of her prewar and wartime writings by third-wave feminists beginning in the s.

Her scholarship and method were heavily influenced by the nativism of Motoori Norinagawhich led her to conclude, against the folkloristic minzokugaku conclusions of Yanagita Kuniothat marriage in the Heian period had been largely uxorilocal.

Retrieved from " itsur Her father was a schoolteacher, and educated his daughter in classical Chinese, among other subjects not standard in Japanese women's education at the time. Before moving to Tokyo inshe worked briefly for a newspaper in Kumamoto City and undertook the Shikoku pilgrimage inher newspaper dispatches from which were collected after her death as Musume junreiki

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