воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


Thanks very much Derek, the info you provide is invaluable! Steve Summit 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges. Your comment is awaiting moderation. Hi Can anybody help me? Hi Mark, Much of what is missing is packages related to windowing. I wanted to install Ubuntu ubuntu 13.04 emmc flasher

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ubuntu 13.04 emmc flasher

Request you to reply to this error urgently. And so on… honestly, how hard could that be?

Beagleboard talk:Ubuntu On BeagleBone Black

I have deployed snappy on my BeagleBoneBlack BBB as per the official website's instructions, the specific instructions I try to install a Debian image on my BBB. Have modified the description as you suggest.

ubuntu 13.04 emmc flasher

NickG 26 4 4 bronze badges. I am not getting any solution how my beaglebone is working.

Beagleboard:Ubuntu On BeagleBone Black -

I have a problem though. We have seen some bizarre behaviours with different variants ubhntu BBB. I let my process go unattended for about flaaher and got to the 4 LEDs lit as in Step 5.

Hey coco, this is just FYI not sure if anyone else had this issue. In this case while the board is powered I press the Reset button S1 and the Boot button S2 at the same time and this seems to work. Recommended modification to your excellent explanations: Hi Derek, I followed the steps as you described above. Its primary site is BeagleBoard. I want to install big software like libreoffice. It sounds like your image is booting rather than writing to the eMMC.

I have found similar problem description http: I was thinking it should at least try to boot and stop on uboot but not load kernel. Can you shed some light on this problem? This will also not flash with a full distro, and aborts the process very quickly. So that I can setup nfs and tftpboot. Will I run into memory problems? Instead of flashing per these instructions, I had to do the following:. Now I need to run an application which performs face, eyes Hi Derek, you were right about wrong image.

I tried many times ubuuntu various power sources with no luck. Ayush Khemka 4 4 bronze badges. As I try to flash the board it seems to be writing the eMMC and says to restart the board after the process is finished.

However when I try to opkg install qt4-embedded I get libgles-omap3 unsatisfied recommendation messages and finally cannot install qt4-embedded with kernel-image I want to avoid manual Has this problem ever been recorded otherwise?

ubuntu 13.04 emmc flasher

Never mind…got it working. The only way to access the What features will I be missing? To check, you can connect a serial debug cable to the header on the BBB and connect a terminal to it. Please let me know what did I mess vlasher and how can I clean it.

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