суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


The following signed provider jars are provided so that you can make use of the debug information in them. Thank you, one and all! You can find them at http: You can also find the latest versions on one of our mirrors: The first one is a real cost saver as it does not lead to us receiving emails starting with "Our development team has spent some number of weeks trying to work out In the case of the non-provider jars bcpkix, bcpg, and bcmail , the jar files do not need to be signed to work. This release includes Java 1. bcpg-jdk15-1.46.jar

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In the case of the non-provider jars bcpkix, bcpg, and bcmailthe jar files do not need to be signed to work. You can find checksums for confirming the integrity of the distributions here Mirrors Too slow? The first one is a real cost saver as it does not lead to us receiving emails starting with "Our development team has spent some number of weeks trying to work out The PEM Parser now returns an XTrustedCertificate block when parsing an openssl trusted certificate, the new object was required to allow the proper return of the trusted certificate's attribute block.

The following signed provider jars are provided so that you can make use of the debug information in them. Further details on other additions and bug fixes can be found in the release notes file accompanying the release.

The source code repository is accessible via ViewVC from here.

Download bcpg-jdkjar : bcpg « b « Jar File Download

Please note the FTP server does not support passive mode. Graphics provided by Geoff Hook. You can rebuild them with debug turned on, or operate directly from the source, if you need. Further improvements have been made to name constraint processing in the CertPath implementation.

CVS Access Just want to look at the source? Thank you, one and all! This release includes Java 1. You can also find the latest versions on one of our mirrors: The source code repository is now mirrored on GitHub and accessible from here.

Developers with access to a support contract are more likely to raise an issue with us early rather than try and muddle through, and developers with access to a support contract also take a more active interest in the beta releases, both FIPS and non-FIPS.

FTP Access Previous releases, as well as the latest ones, can be downloaded from our ftp server ftp.

Download bcpg-jdk15-1.46.jar : bcpg « b « Jar File Download

We have found two things that distinguish our support contract bcpg-jdk15-1.446.jar from our regular user base. The repository can be cloned using either https: Get a support contract through Crypto Workshop.


We would like to thank holders of Crypto Workshop support contracts for additional time that was contributed back to this release through left over consulting time provided as part of their support agreements. You can find them at http: The second one is useful as it means any issues or shortfalls in the beta are able to bcpg-jdk155-1.46.jar fixed while the updates are still in beta.

Maven Repository: castle » bcpg-jdk15 »

Layout and design by Travis Winters. Change Warning users of 1. Please also see the bcog-jdk15-1.46.jar guide for advice on porting to this release from much earlier ones release 1. Site hosted by Tau Ceti Co-operative Ltd.

Repository Browser

GIT Access Just want to look at the source? If you need a beta to be made available for another version of Java please ask by emailing feedback-crypto bouncycastle. The tar archives were created using GNU tar some versions of Solaris tar will have problems extracting them The J2ME source distribution includes zips for the class files You can find the release notes, documentation, and specifications here.

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